Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Online Poker Players Facing 7 Month Jail Sentence

Online Poker Players Facing 7 Month Jail Sentence

August 9th, 2012Author: A. Mitchell
Online Poker Players Facing 7 Month Jail SentenceSeven online poker players allegedly caught gambling on Facebook are now facing up to 7 months behind bars if convicted by the Medan District Court in North Sumatra, Indonesia.
Gambling laws in the largest Muslim-majority nation are strict and Indonesian authorities have now been taking their crusade online against overseas online gambling sites. Recently, three government bodies comprising the Social Affairs, the Religious Affairs, and the Communications and Information Technology Ministries have banded together to tackle illegal gambling in Indonesia.
In the latest incident to make the news, seven poker players and four people involved in trading online chips were arrested, and as Judge Agus Setiawan explains: “They were involved in gambling, therefore we accuse them of violating the law, which carries a prison sentence of seven months.”
Apparently, the players would buy 1 million rupees (US$105) worth of chips value at 2,000 rupees (20 US cents) each and would be able to cash them back in after for 1,700 rupees each. However, after the “Supernet” internet shop was raided, police seized evidence of gambling activities, including Rp 7 million (US$740) in cash, and 33 computers along with data.
The defendants are currently being held in Tanjung Gusta penitentiary, and after being brought to court and pleading for leniency, Judge Agus Setiawan retorted: “Everyone is asking for leniency and no one has asked for an acquittal. If you ask for leniency, this either proves you admit your wrongdoing, or are admitting you are guilty. Those who feel innocent raise your hands.”
All of the defendants remained silent and the case has now been adjourned until later in the month.
Other stories involving gamblers meeting heavy-handed justice at the hand of Indonesian authorities include the case of Chinese non-Muslim Halim Datkui, who was caught during a card game betting Rp 50,000 ($5.50) and was subsequently jailed for 4 months, contracting a skin disease while behind bars. In 2009, 10 children aged between 12 and 16 were also arrested for playing a coin-toss game in an Airport car parking area.

Casino M8trix facts

Casino M8trix facts

Updated:   08/08/2012 04:13:28 PM PDT

San Jose's Casino M8trix card room opened for its first full day of operations Wednesday. Some facts about M8trix and San Jose card rooms.

  • Casino M8trix off Airport Parkway is the $50 million reinvention of the Garden City Casino card room, which started as a downtown pool hall that was bought by brothers Nick, Chris and Louis Dalis and moved to the corner of Market and Post streets in 1946 and relocated to Saratoga Avenue in 1976. Current owners Eric Swallow and Peter and Jeanine Lunardi purchased Garden City out of bankruptcy in 2007.
  • Casino M8trix has an expanded gaming floor area of 55,000 square feet, compared to 12,000 square feet at Garden City. Features include an eight-story, 165-foot tower where the owners hope to secure permission to have additional gaming on the top floor with a view as well as karaoke and other entertainment. The main M8trix gaming floor includes a light sculpture that can produce 16.7 million color combinations, a custom aroma called "Bamboo" and programmable LED light fixtures. The card room also features a sports bar, Zone 8.
  • The number eight central to M8trix' branding is considered lucky in Asian cultures.
  • San Jose allows only two card rooms. The other is Bay 101 Casino, which opened in 1994 on Bering Drive across Highway 101 from Casino M8trix and has specialized in hosting poker tournaments. Each card room is allowed up to 49 gaming tables. A Bay 101-sponsored November ballot 

    measure would allow them to increase the number of tables to 79 each.

  • Pizarro: Trying not to be a 'h8r' about Casino M8trix name

    Pizarro: Trying not to be a 'h8r' about Casino M8trix name

    Updated:   08/24/2012 12:27:54 PM PDT

    Finally made it to San Jose's Casino M8trix the other day, and I've got to admit the $50 million card club on North First Street does bring the swank a lot more than Garden City, its predecessor on Saratoga Avenue, ever did.
    I'm not much of a gambler -- probably because I'm not often a winner -- so the table games don't appeal to me very much. But I liked the interior decor, which includes a light sculpture and a glass floral mural, and the array of TVs and beer taps at the Zone 8 sports bar were more attractive to me than the gaming areas.
    I'm on the fence about the tower, which at night looks like a game of Tetris brought to life; it could turn into an icon or an eyesore. Let's just say it's an interesting introduction to San Jose for people coming south on 101, especially coupled with the giant "Cavalia" tent nearby.
    But I just can't get past the "8" in "M8trix." Booze and gambling have their place, but reinforcing horrible "textese" spelling is where I draw the line (And, yes, I was the kind of kid who objected to the backward "R" in Toys R Us, too.)
    I understand the lucky significance of the number in Asian cultures and that M8trix has a big Asian customer base. But the name -- which belongs firmly in the late 1990s -- makes Cache Creek sound timeless. And if you're going to go with the "M8" pronunciation, you don't need the extra "t," right? Shouldn't it be "M8rix"?
    End of rant. I wouldn't want people to think I'm a h8r

    M8trix: Gamblers gush over San Jose's new card room

    M8trix: Gamblers gush over San Jose's new card room

    Updated:   08/09/2012 09:12:38 AM PDT

    SAN JOSE -- Eric Swallow wanted customers to think Las Vegas when he reinvented San Jose's old Garden City card room as Casino M8trix. And after it opened officially for its first full day of operations Wednesday, players such as Ward Burton, who flocked to the new $50 million attraction, said that's just what came to mind.
    "As soon as I walked in the front door, it looked like a Vegas casino," said Burton, 32, a San Jose special education teacher who had been waiting for months to check out the city's latest gambling attraction.
    Garden City regular Mele Itlo, a 41-year-old San Mateo caregiver, was impressed by the roomy gaming floor where silky overhead LED lighting fixtures changed from red to blue while upbeat dance music and a custom floral fragrance filled the room.
    "This is way better," Itlo said. "It's beautiful."
    Swallow and his wife, Debbie, and co-owners Pete and Jeanine Lunardi joined Mayor Chuck Reed for an 8 a.m. ribbon-cutting to officially celebrate the long-awaited Casino M8trix opening. They had originally planned to open in April, but it took another four months to satisfy a police review and background checks before they got the OK.
    They also had to orchestrate the tightly monitored and choreographed transfer of gaming operations from Garden City, a fixture on Saratoga Avenue since the 1970s that they bought out of bankruptcy five years ago, to M8trix off Airport Parkway. They shut Garden City early Tuesday

    morning to begin the move.
    But by the time they cut the ribbon Wednesday at M8trix, the place had already filled up with card players who began arriving the day before after finding Garden City closed and the M8trix staff welcoming them inside.
    "People started tweeting and facebooking and all of a sudden, boom!" said M8trix consultant Sean Kali-rai.
    A more celebratory grand opening is planned for Aug. 17 and 18.
    The M8trix represents the first big shake-up of San Jose's card-room businesses in nearly two decades. The city's only other allowed card room, Bay 101, located just across Highway 101 from the M8trix site, opened in 1994, itself a reinvention of an older card room in San Jose's Alviso neighborhood called Sutter's Place.
    While the M8trix buzzed with excitement -- cars circling the parking lot, news crews set up outside and card players coming and going throughout the morning -- it was a quieter scene at Bay 101 on Wednesday morning. But there were still plenty of cars in the Bay 101 lot, and players there said it seemed to get a spillover boost from the new competition down the road.
    Bay 101 spokesman Ed McGovern said simply: "We wish them well, and we're hoping both card rooms do well."
    Pat Lyons, a 48-year-old professional player from Hillsborough, was at Bay 101 to play a poker tournament Wednesday, something Bay 101 has specialized in and where he had won $100,000 in a no-limit hold'em tournament last year. But he stopped to check out M8trix beforehand.
    "I love it -- it's beautiful!" Lyons said. "You walk in M8trix, and it feels like you're in Las Vegas or L.A."
    He added that the two card rooms will boost each other's business and benefit the city, which reaps about $15 million a year from a 15-percent card room tax.
    "They're going to help each other," Lyons said. "It's going to be a very positive experience."
    Though M8trix got high marks from players who checked it out Wednesday, some online reviewers found fault. A few found the custom aroma, which Swallow named "Bamboo," overpowering. One described it as a "lotus bomb" and another likened it to bug spray. There was also some grousing from those who thought M8trix was less oriented toward poker than the so-called "California games" like Pai Gow or variations on blackjack.
    For now, M8trix' most distinguishing feature, its eight-story tower, remains empty. Owners hope to secure city permission soon for karaoke and a top-floor gaming room that would be open to all players and offer a view. Bay 101 opposes the upper-level gaming and entertainment proposed by the competition, arguing it could hurt efforts to monitor card rooms and improve their public image.
    Bay 101 meanwhile has qualified a November ballot measure that would allow a 61 percent increase in gaming tables at the two card rooms and allow them to offer any game legal under state law.
    The city's two card rooms say they are struggling to compete not only with more than 90 other California card rooms, but with tribal casinos, Internet poker and of course, Las Vegas.
    City officials acknowledged the card rooms generate more tax revenue than gas stations, restaurants, department stores or auto dealers, but cited concerns about the ballot measure, arguing any increase in tax revenues might be offset by more police calls and crime associated with gambling.
    "When we see dollar signs, we get shortsighted and don't see the downsides," said Councilman Sam Liccardo, who opposes the ballot measure.
    But poker player Lyons argued people are still going to gamble, so the city should get a cut of the action.
    "All your money's going to the Indian casinos and the Internet," Lyons said.

    Casino M8trix in San Jose Finally Opens

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    Casino M8trix in San Jose Finally Opens

    After more than three months of delays Casino Matrix in San Jose is open.

    By Marianne Favro
    |  Tuesday, Aug 7, 2012  |  Updated 7:59 PM PDT


    After more than three months of delays Casino Matrix in San Jose is open. During the soft opening Tuesday, more than a thousand people poured in to gamble and check out the new card club.
    During the soft opening Tuesday, more than a thousand people poured in to gamble and check out the new card club.
    “It feels like Vegas the minute you walk in, with valet parking and big screens everywhere it just feels like Vegas inside” said Vinh Huynh of San Jose.
    Casino Matrix has 49 tables offering 15 different kinds of card games with bets ranging from two to two hundred dollars.
    Beyond the sports bar, there are big screens and a high tech vibe. The casino also offers a boost to the local economy.
    “We hired an additional 303 employees and have a total of 787 well paying jobs and we are still hiring” said casino owner Eric Swallow.
    The City also stands to win big. The casino is expected to provide an estimated ten million dollars in gaming revenues for San Jose each year.
    The opening of Casino Matrix also means the doors of Garden City Casino on Saratoga will now be closed for good because the city is only allowed to have two card clubs.
    While Matrix was ready to open in April, it had to remain closed until now while the city determined whether to issue a card room permit.
    The owner says now that the 16-story casino is finally open he believes it will offer a winning hand for the community.

    American Canyon files criminal charge against card room

    American Canyon files criminal charge against card room

    October 27, 2011 8:59 pm  •  
    The ongoing dispute between the city of American Canyon and the owner of Napa Valley Casino over city taxes escalated this month with the city filing a misdemeanor criminal complaint.
    The city accuses the card room owners — Brian Altizer and BVK Gaming Inc., the corporation formed by Altizer, his wife, Von Huang, and partner Keith Miller — of a violation of municipal code by not paying card room admissions taxes and requests a warrant for his arrest.
    The complaint alleges that Altizer has ignored two invoices from the city totaling $108,000 for taxes due from Jan. 1 through June 30 of this year.
    In accusing Altizer of a misdemeanor violation of the law, the city says disposition of the case could involve back payment, a fine of 10 percent plus 1 1/2 percent of the tax per month and/or jail time for the card room owners, as well as revocation of the card room operation permit.
    The card room admissions tax, an initiative passed by American Canyon voters in November as Measure F, calls for a $2 per visitor levy on card room customers. According to the initiative, that tax could be superseded by a development agreement. 
    The casino and the city ostensibly reached such an agreement over the summer after months of  negotiations. Announced at a  City Council meeting in July, the terms of the development agreement would have included a tax on gross receipts and eliminated the admissions tax, with the owners allowed to expand the casino.
    Earlier this month, the City Council passed a resolution to force the card room into compliance following reports that Altizer and his partners have been in talks with the city of Cudahy in Southern California to open a card room there, with Cudahy receiving considerably more tax revenue than the American Canyon deal.
    According to city’s criminal complaint, Altizer has refused to show the city his books for an audit.
    Altizer and his partners acquired the card room in 2006, and in 2007 petitioned the city to allow “no limit” wagering and to expand the card room. As a condition for expansion, the city demanded more revenue and property improvements.
    American Canyon City Attorney William Ross, who will be prosecuting the case, declined to elaborate. “The complaint speaks for itself,” he said.
    Altizer’s attorney, Craig F Andersen of Wood Smith Henning and Berman, said he plans to respond to the charge with a civil suit.
    “We’re going to be filing a complaint ourselves, probably Monday. Ours is a civil compliant. It’s our position that (the admissions tax) is unconstitutional,” Andersen said.
    The complaint filed by the city states: “No civil action shall prevent a criminal prosecution for any violation ...” 
    The non-payment of city taxes is considered a violation of the will of the electorate, Ross said. Criminal actions in such cases are not uncommon, he said.
    “It is not unusual for a city to seek compliance with its municipal code,” said Ross.  
    Ross said that a criminal action doesn’t preclude a future civil action on the city’s part. 

    Monday, August 27, 2012

    California Poker Rooms and Card Clubs

    California Poker Rooms and Card Clubs

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    Rain Dance Slots

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    Witches & Wizards
    The California Gambling Control Commission has licensed the following gambling establishments to operate poker rooms and card clubs under the state's Gambling Control Act.


    Alameda CountyLivermore Casino
    2223 First Street
    Livermore, CA 94550
    Phone: 909-674-3101

    Lucky Buck Card Club
    1620 Railroad Avenue
    Livermore, CA 94550
    Phone: 925-455-6144
    Oaks Card Club
    4097 San Pablo Avenue
    Emeryville, CA 94608
    Phone: 510-653-4456

    Palace Poker Casino
    22821 Mission Boulevard
    Hayward, CA 94542
    Phone: 510-582-1166

    Butte CountyAngie's Poker Club
    114 West 15th Street
    Chico, CA 95928
    Phone: 530-892-2282

    Contra Costa CountyCalifornia Grand Casino
    5988 Pacheco Blvd
    Pacheco, CA 94553
    Phone: 925-685-8397
    Kelly's Cardroom
    408 O Street
    Antioch, CA 94509
    Phone: 925-757-5190

    Nineteenth Hole
    2746 West Tregalles Road
    Antioch, CA 94509
    Phone: 925-757-6545

    El Dorado CountyBlack Sheep Casino
    3181 Cameron Park Drive #107/108
    Cameron Park, CA 95682
    Phone: 530-676-4232
    More information

    Fresno CountyClovis 500 Club
    500 Clovis Avenue
    Clovis, CA 93612
    Phone: 559-299-9951

    Club One Casino
    1033 Van Ness Avenue
    Fresno, CA 93721
    Phone: 559-497-3000

    Humboldt CountyNorth Coast Casino
    26 5th Street
    Eureka, CA 95501
    Phone: 707-441-8414

    S and K Cardroom
    306 F Street
    Eureka, CA 95501
    Phone: 707-442-2305

    Imperial CountyTommy's Casino and Saloon
    467 West Main Street
    El Centro, CA 92243

    Kern CountyAldo's Cardroom
    1225 Airport Drive
    Delano, CA 93225
    (661) 721-7500
    Diamond Jim's Casino
    118 20th Street West
    Rosamond, CA 93560
    Phone: 661-256-1400
    Golden West Casino
    1001 South Union Avenue
    Bakersfield, CA 93307
    Phone: 661-324-6936

    Oasis Card Room
    117-A E. Ridgecrest Boulevard
    Ridgecrest, CA 93555

    Kings CountyRoyal Flush Casino
    44 North 19 1/2 Avenue
    Lemoore, CA 93245

    Los Angeles CountyBicycle Casino
    7301 Eastern Avenue
    Bell Gardens, CA 90201
    Phone: 562-806-4646
    Club Caribe Casino
    7617 Atlantic Avenue
    Cudahy, CA 90201
    Phone: 323-560-5995
    Commerce Casino
    6131 East Telegraph Road
    Commerce, CA 90040
    Phone: 323-721-2100
    Crystal Casino & Hotel
    123 East Artesia Boulevard
    Compton, CA 90220
    Phone: 310-631-3838
    Toll-Free: 877-631-3838
    Hawaiian Gardens Casino
    11871 Carson Street
    Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
    Phone: 562-860-5887
    Hollywood Park Casino
    3883 West Century Boulevard
    Inglewood, CA 90301
    Phone: 310-330-2800
    Hustler Casino
    1000 Redondo Beach Boulevard
    Gardena, CA 90247
    Phone: 310-719-9800
    Toll-Free: 877-968-9800
    Normandie Club
    1045 West Rosecrans Avenue
    Gardena, CA 90247
    Phone: 310-352-3400

    Madera CountyLa Primavera Pool Hall & Cafe
    224 South C Street
    Madera, CA 93638

    Marin CountyClub San Rafael
    721 Lincoln Avenue
    San Rafael, CA 94901

    Merced CountyMerced Poker Room
    2217 Yosemite Park Way
    Merced, CA 95340

    Poker Flats Casino
    1714 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
    Merced, CA 95340
    Phone: 209-383-4917

    Monterey CountyBankers Casino 
    111 Monterey Street
    Salinas, CA 93901
    Marina Club
    204 Carmel Avenue
    Marina, CA 93933
    Mortimer's Card Room
    3100 Del Monte Boulevard
    Marina, CA 93933
    955 Front Street
    Soledad, CA 93960

    Napa CountyNapa Valley Casino
    3466 Broadway
    American Canyon, CA 94589
    Phone: 707-644-8851

    Nevada CountyGold Rush Gaming Parlor
    106 East Main Street
    Grass Valley, CA 95945
    Phone: 530-477-6537

    Placer CountyDeuces Wild Casino
    13483 Bowman Road
    Auburn, CA 95603

    Riverside CountyBruce's Bar and Casino
    116 South Main
    Blythe, CA 92225
    Phone: 760-922-2658 

    Lake Elsinore Hotel and Casino
    20930 Malaga Road
    Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
    Phone: 909-674-3101

    Sacramento CountyCapitol Casino
    411 North 16th Street
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    Phone: 916-446-0700
    Casino Royale
    2052 Auburn Blvd
    Sacramento, CA 95821
    Cordova Casino and Restaurant2801 Prospect Park Drive
    Rancho Cordova, CA

    Lake Bowl Cardroom
    511 E Bidwell Street
    Folsom, CA 95630
    Phone: 916-983-4411

    Hotel Del Rio and Casino
    209 Second Street
    Isleton, CA 95641
    Phone: 916-777-4054
    Limelight Card Room
    1014 Alhambra Boulevard
    Sacramento, CA 95816
    Phone: (916) 446-2208

    Lucky Derby Casino
    7433 Greenback Lane, Suite C
    Citrus Heights, CA 95610
    Phone: 916-726-8946
    Phoenix Casino and Lounge
    5948 Auburn Boulevard
    Citrus Heights, CA 95621
    Phone: 916-334-4225
    Rancho's Club
    2740 Mills Park Drive
    Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
    Phone: 916-361-9186
    34 Main Street
    Isleton, CA 95641
    Phone: 916-777-7728

    Silver Fox Card Room
    6010 Stockton Boulevard
    Sacramento, CA 95824
    Phone: (916) 399-4929

    San Diego CountyLucky Lady Card Room
    5526 El Cajon Boulevard
    San Diego, CA 92115
    Phone: 619-287-6690
    Ocean's Eleven Casino
    121 Brooks Street
    Oceanside, CA 92054
    Phone: 760-439-6988
    Toll-Free: 888-439-6988
    Palomar Card Club
    2724 El Cajon Boulevard
    San Diego, CA 92104
    Phone: 619-280-5828
    Village Club
    429 Broadway
    Chula Vista, CA 91910 

    San Joaquin CountyCameo Club
    5757 Pacific Avenue
    Stockton, CA 95202
    Phone: 209-474-1777
    Casino Real
    1355 N Main St
    Manteca, CA 95336
    Phone: 209-239-1455
    Comstock Card Room
    125 West 11th Street
    Tracy, CA 95376
    Phone: 209-832-1111
    Delta Casino
    146 East Market Street
    Stockton, CA 95202
    Jack's Club
    29 North Sacramento Street
    Lodi, CA 95240
    Phone: 209-339-8658
    Wine Country Casino & Restaurant
    1800 South Cherokee Lane
    Lodi, CA 95240

    San Luis Obispo CountyCentral Coast Casino
    359 Grand Ave
    Grover Beach, CA 93433
    Phone: 805-474-8500
    Central Coast Casino
    1428 Spring Street
    Paso Robles, CA 93446
    Oceana Card Room
    1795 Front Street
    Oceana, CA 93445
    Phone: 805-474-0188
    Old Cayucos Tavern
    130 North Ocean Avenue
    Cayucos, CA 93430
    Phone: 805-995-3209
    Outlaws Card Parlour
    9850 East Front Road
    Atascadero, CA 93423
    Phone: 805-466-7950

    San Mateo CountyArtichoke Joe's Casino
    659 Huntington Avenue
    San Bruno, CA 94066
    Phone: 650-589-3145
    Lucky Chances Casino
    1700 Hillside Boulevard
    Colma, CA 94014
    Phone: 650-758-2237

    Santa Barbara CountyJalisco Pool Room
    920 Guadalupe Street
    Guadalupe, CA 93434
    Phone: 805-343-1251

    Santa Clara CountyBay 101
    1801 Bering Drive
    San Jose, CA 95112
    Phone: 408-451-8888

    Garden City Casino
    360 South Saratoga Avenue
    San Jose, CA 95129
    Phone: 408-244-3333
    Garlic City Club
    40 Hornlein Ct
    Gilroy, CA 95020
    Phone: 408-847-3777

    Santa Cruz CountyCaesar's Club
    184 Main Street
    Watsonville, CA 95076
    Phone: 831-724-0603
    Ocean View Cardroom
    709 Pacific Avenue
    Santa Cruz, CA 95060
    Phone: 831-423-6257

    Shasta CountyCasino Club
    1885 Hilltop Drive
    Redding, CA 96002
    Phone: 530-221-5015

    Sierra CountySt. Charles Place
    103 Commercial Street
    Downieville, CA 95936
    Phone: 530-289-323

    Solano CountyPastime Club
    726 First Street
    Benicia, CA 94510
    Phone: 707-747-0207

    Sonoma CountyThe 101 Casino
    5151 Montero Way
    Petaluma, CA 94954
    Phone: 707-795-6121

    The River Card Room
    5004 Petaluma Blvd. North
    Petaluma, CA 94953
    Phone: 707-762-8921

    Stanislaus CountyEmpire Sportsmen Association
    5801 North McHenry Avenue
    Modesto, CA 95356

    Mike's Card Casino
    112 North Yosemite Avenue
    Oakdale, CA 95361
    Phone:  209-847-2919

    Turlock Poker Room
    270 West Main Street
    Turlock, CA 95380
    Phone: 209-668-1010

    Tulare CountyEl Resbalon
    154 North Valencia Boulevard
    Woodlake, CA 93286
    Phone: 559-564-3671
    Gloria's Lounge and Casino
    30435 Road 68
    Visalia, CA 93291
    Phone: 559-651-3724
    La Fuerza
    175 East Antelope
    Woodlake, CA 93286
    Phone:  209-564-8066
    Sundowner Card Room
    15638 Avenue 296
    Visalia, CA 93292
    Phone: 559-627-9624
    The Mint
    580 Thete Lane
    Porterville, CA 93257
    Phone: 559-783-8320

    Ventura CountyThe Players Club
    906 North Ventura Avenue
    Ventura, CA 93001
    Phone: 805-653-9326

    Yuba CountyCasino Marysville
    515 Fourth Street
    Marysville, CA 95901
    Golden State Casino
    5402 Lindhurst Avenue
    Marysville, CA 95901
